Social Justice alternative thesis merits degree
Vester Lee Flanagan completes alternative thesis format, kills news reporters for passing grade.

Thanks to required intro college courses, modern students recognize this apparently refreshing summer fruit as, in reality, a disguised microaggression and tool of white privilege.
San Francisco State University announced Friday that graduate student Vester Lee Flanagan’s ground-breaking—and controversial—whiteness studies thesis merits a degree in Social Justice.
According to university spokesperson Giovanni Gentile, Flanagan’s thesis “substantively expands student discussion through its sharpened focus on racial privilege.”
Mr. Flanagan’s alternative-format thesis, according to Gentile, took “combating racial inequality and all dimensions of injustice along gender, class, sexuality, and even ability lines to a new level. In his thesis, Mr. Flanagan pushed back against white heterosexual privilege, and refused to accept a situation that racism and xenophobia.”
Professor Foster Stearns of Columbia University’s Sealy College of Social Justice agreed.
“By refusing to accept the whitesplaining of obvious racism within the workplace, Mr. Flanagan epitomized the spirit of social justice in America,” said Stearns.
According to Stearns, Mr. Flanagan’s thesis was part of a new wave of alternative theses that also includes the Mattress Performance approved at Columbia, in which a mattress was used to falsely accuse a white male student of rape “to symbolize women’s status as victims and remind everyone that women often aren’t believed when they make accusations of rape.”
The Columbia University faculty member added that the false accusation has the “added benefit of making it harder for privileged white women to complain about rape.”
Stearns noted that Flanagan’s use of social media for his alternative-format thesis was “masterful, the best social justice warfare I’ve seen come out of a university yet. It’ll be hard to top this.”
Vester Flanagan became famous in August when, in the culmination of his thesis, he pushed back against the white privilege of two colleagues, using a 9mm handgun for the nontraditional portion of his SFSU thesis. In the traditional portion, Flanagan detailed several microaggressions from his colleagues, such as talking about “swinging by an address”, or “going out in the field to get an interview”.
“Thanks to the racial grievance instruction that all students learn,” said Gentile, “Flanagan recognized that his white colleagues were speaking in veiled language of the noose and the cotton field.”
“This is more than a passing grade,” Gentile added. “What struck me from the get-go is that Flanagan’s work comes from something which is so much more personal and so much deeper and so much less of a programmatic idea about what to do, but really about working something out cathartically and also making an enormous statement for change. And that’s what makes it so powerful.”
“His achievement in the field of social justice makes us very proud,” Gentile said. “This is why we teach students to be extremely sensitive to the unseen racial microaggressions that surround us at all times.”
The University has established a new scholarship in Flanagan’s name. The Vester Lee Flanagan Memorial Whiteness Studies Scholarship Fund for Pitiful Finger Nannies will reward students who achieve greatness in Social Justice.
The school dismissed conservative complaints, that schools were training niggardly killers, as obvious racism.
Cable news network MSNBC announced that, after reading Vester Lee Flanagan’s thesis, they would hire him as a broadcast journalist; however, they rescinded the job offer when they discovered he wasn’t white.
Columbia University
- Columbia mattress rape case is not justice—it’s shaming without proof: Naomi Shaefer Riley at The New York Post
- “Whatever else you can say about social media these days, it has made it awfully hard for women to change their minds about the nature of a sexual encounter from months earlier.”
- Jon Kessler Named in Columbia “Mattress Performance” Suit: Mustafa Heddaya
- “‘Mattress Performance (Carry That Weight)’ is one of many examples marshaled by Nungesser’s attorneys to accuse the university of being implicated in what they consider to be damaging false statements about their client, as is an essay about sexual assault co-authored by president Bollinger in The New Republic that led with a picture of Sulkowicz’s protest.”
San Francisco State University
- Brownshirt anti-semitism on the march: John Hinderaker at Power Line
- “Let’s flash forward to San Francisco State University today. Mohammad Hammad, president of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS), has recently enjoyed organizing campus art projects that read ‘My heroes have always killed colonizers,’ posing on social media sites with a knife that he claims ‘makes me want to stab an Israeli soldier,’ and vowing to use his GUPS presidency ‘to radicalize half of our population and bring them back with me as fighters.’”
- Making Whites from the Dark Side: Amy Sueyoshi at San Francisco State University (PDF)
- “Aren’t all the courses about white people anyway?”
- The comments that became a reporter’s death sentence: Marisa Shultz and Frank Rosario at The New York Post
- “The words are a part of everyday conversation—‘swinging’ by an address and going out in the ‘field.’ But in the twisted mind of Virginia gunman Vester Lee Flanagan II, they were pure racism—and saying them became a death sentence for Alison Parker.” (Hat tip to Ann Althouse at Althouse)
- The indelible whiteness of MSNBC: Michelle Malkin
- “Check out the masthead of MSNBC TV, ‘The Place for Politics.’ Wear sunglasses and SPF 30 lotion. You’ll need protection from the blinding white glare.” (Memeorandum thread)
- The Injustice Collector: Racist Assassin Claimed Anodyne Sentences Like “The reporter’s out in the field” to be “Racist”: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Because ‘field,’ you see, while meaning to everyone else ‘outside the office, out in the actual field of reporting,’ he took it to mean ‘cotton fields,’ and ergo a racist assault on his dignity.”
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