Senator Kirk Watson: MSNBC and Me
Texas Senator Watson apologizes for allowing news show to deviate from process into issues.
Texas Senator Kirk Watson apologized publicly today for allowing MSNBC to divert discussion from the process to the issues. According to the Senator’s web site,
On Tuesday night, after an important and historic victory in the Wisconsin Presidential Primary by Senator Barack Obama, I appeared on the MSNBC post-election program. “Hardball” host Chris Matthews, began grilling me on Senator Obama’s legislative record.
And my mind went blank. I expected to be asked about the primary that night, or the big one coming up in Texas on March 4, or just about anything else about process. When the subject changed so emphatically, I reached for information that millions of my fellow Obama supporters could recite by heart, and I couldn’t summon it.
“I swear to God,” said Senator Watson, “I never expected a news show to talk about the issues.”
- MSNBC and Me: What’s New: Texas Senator Kirk Watson-District 14
- “Texas District 14 Senator Kirk Watson is a lawyer, mediator, public affairs consultant and former Austin Mayor. In addition, he is former Chair of both the Texas Advisory Board for Environmental Defense and the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce.”
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