Mark Udall announces surprising new endorsements
Embattled Colorado Senator announces two new supporters from beyond the fields we know.

And a new Democratic voter emerges from the ballot booth to protect the weak.
Colorado Senator Mark Udall announced two new endorsements this weekend at the Grand Junction debate with his Republican opponent.
“I can tell you,” said Udall, “that Steve Sotloff and James Foley contacted my assistant campaign manager Melissa Lafsky this week to announce their support.”
Sotloff and Foley are the journalists who were recently beheaded by Christian or other terrorists in the Middle East.
According to Udall, the deceased reporters have joined his foreign policy team and will advise him on how to counter religious extremism overseas.
“Their basic advice? Don’t be hasty,” said the craggy-featured Udall.
The Senator added that the dead men now support President Obama’s policy on delaying counterattacks against the terrorists, and on rescue deliberation.
Foley told me that he fully supported the month-long deliberation by President Obama before authorizing the rescue attempt.
Gone are the days when the President acts impulsively, throwing down his children’s book and rushing out with his megaphone as President Bush so rashly did and was so rightly condemned. The important thing is to remain calm, to think, and then think again, and keep thinking.
And then maybe think some more.
Udall also echoed Huffington Post reporter Melissa Lanksy’s assertion in 2009, echoed by author Joyce Carol Oates, that the dead are natural constituencies for Democratic politicians. After Senator Ted Kennedy (D-Poucha Pond) died, Lansky and Oates announced that Mary Jo Kopechne, in the great beyond, considered her death and the justice denied her a fair trade for the Lion of the Senate’s successful career.
“The dead are natural Democrats,” said Udall, “and are so loyal a constituency that they will even support the policies and politicians that killed them.”
Senator Udall argued that this was why the Affordable Care Act was such important legislation: “It creates more Democratic voters.”
Senator Mark Udall
- Report: Obama Delayed James Foley Rescue a Month, Fretting over His Image and Golfing: Dan Riehl at Breitbart
- Anthony Shaffer, a former lieutenant-colonel in US military intelligence who worked on covert operations, said: “I’m told it was almost a 30-day delay from when they said they wanted to go to when he finally gave the green light. They were ready to go in June to grab the guy [Foley] and they weren’t permitted.”
- Udall: Beheaded American Journalists Would Have Wanted Cautious Approach to ISIS: Eliana Johnson
- “I can tell you,” Udall said, “Steve Sotloff and James Foley would tell us, don’t be impulsive. Horrible and barbarous as those executions were, don’t be impulsive, come up with a plan to knock ISIL back.” (Memeorandum thread)
- US Senate candidates trade jabs in first debate: Ivan Moreno
- “Health care and the partial government shutdown underscored the first debate Saturday between U.S. Democratic Sen. Mark Udall and Republican U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, who are deadlocked in a pivotal Colorado contest that could determine control of the Senate.”
Ted Kennedy
- Kennedy’s redemption from the depths: Joyce Carol Oates
- “Yet if one weighs the life of a single young woman against the accomplishments of the man President Obama has called the greatest Democratic senator in history, what is one to think? This paradox lies at the heart of so much of public life: individuals of dubious character and cruel deeds may redeem themselves in selfless actions. Fidelity to a personal code of morality would seem to fade in significance as the public sphere, like an enormous sun, blinds us to all else.” (Hat tip to KingShamus at We had to sacrifice Mary Jo Kopechne to get Teddy’s legislative righteousness)
- Mary Jo Kopechne and Chappaquiddick: America's Selective Memory: Carl M. Cannon
- “The idea that Edward M. Kennedy could be a viable national politician—let alone a much-admired and lionized political figure—has convinced millions of everyday citizens and succeeding generations of conservative activists that among the elites of academia, politics, and the media two standards of behavior exist: One for liberal Democrats and another for conservative Republicans.” (Hat tip to Ace at Ace of Spades HQ)
- Q: What Would Mary Jo Kopechne Have Thought of Ted’s Career?: Mark Hemingway
- “Who knows—maybe she’d feel it was worth it. ” (Memeorandum thread) (Hat tip to DrewM at Ace of Spades HQ)
- Things only a Kennedy could get away with: Mark Steyn
- “ I don't know how many lives the senator changed—he certainly changed Mary Jo's—but you're struck less by the precise arithmetic than by the basic equation: How many changed lives justify leaving a human being struggling for breath for up to five hours pressed up against the window in a small, shrinking air pocket in Teddy's Oldsmobile?”
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