Hillary Clinton embraces book banning
During latest debate, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton embraced book bans, drone targeting of critical works.

The Democratic National Committee puts several copies of The Art of the Deal to the torch. (mikael altemark from STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, CC-BY 2.0)
Presidential executive orders could effectively overturn the United States Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling, said former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton during last week’s debate.
In Citizens United v. FEC, the Supreme Court struck down a law allowing the government to ban movies and books critical of Hillary Clinton.
During the third and final Presidential debate, the Democratic candidate argued that the controversial Citizens United ruling could be overturned by a future president by changing the rules of engagement for domestic drone strikes.
Clinton argued that most authors and directors are “relatively soft targets, they walk around freely thumbing their nose at us without any fear of reprisals.”
Clinton suggested that if Julian Assange, Dinesh D’Souza, and Christopher Hitchens were targeted by drone attacks, “books and movies such as the movie at the heart of the Citizens United ruling would be effectively banned—no one would write them any more, for sure.”
Julian Assange is the Australian editor-in-chief of the Wikileaks project, which has recently released documents critical of the former Secretary of State for accepting million dollar donations from foreign governments, and businesses wishing to do business with foreign governments.
Dinesh D’Souza is the Indian-American director of Hillary’s America, the movie that would have been banned if the Supreme Court had not ruled in favor of political speech in the Citizens United case.
Christopher Hitchens is the liberal columnist who wrote No One Left to Lie To, which described Hillary Clinton as “reptilian”, and accused her of “the exploitation of mammalian sentiments”, of being utterly nasty and mean-spirited.
…everything about this candidate, was rotten from the very start. Mrs. Clinton has the most unappetizing combination of qualities to be met in many days’ march: she is a tyrant and a bully when she can dare to be, and an ingratiating populist when that will serve… She is entirely un-self-critical and quite devoid of reflective capacity, and has never found that any of her numerous misfortunes or embarrassments are her own fault, because the fault invariably lies with others… she can in a close contest keep up with her husband for mendacity. Like him, she is not just a liar but a lie; a phony construct of shreds and patches and hysterical, self-pitying, demagogic improvisations.
Political strategists noted that Mr. Hitchens should be an especially soft target. His body has been stored in Houston, Texas since he died in December 2011. The outspoken journalist succumbed to a sudden cancer shortly after writing a strongly critical piece for Slate about Mrs. Clinton’s relationship with Sidney Blumenthal. Hitchens accused Blumenthal of “defaming more than one truth-telling female witness” on behalf of the Clintons, and accused Mrs. Clinton of engaging in “sexual McCarthyism”.
Hillary Clinton said she doesn’t remember where she was when Christopher Hitchens contracted cancer. She said that she’d recently suffered from a fall that made it difficult to remember things before her concussion. She also said that “her hormones were all out of whack because she was a woman, how could she be expected to remember details?”
Following the debate, Clinton explained that publishing books and making movies critical of herself is “the worst kind of sexism, it’s nerve-wracking for a woman to enter politics when men are allowed to criticize them.” She argued in favor of removing critical political speech from schools, libraries, and other public forums such as movie theaters and bookstores.
When asked what to do with all of those books banned by her policy, Mrs. Clinton responded, “It will be winter soon, and cold, and my administration will lead the fight in the search for alternative energy sources. I think that’s enough said about that.”
“Before you ask that follow-up,” she continued, “remember that we can reach you anywhere in the world in four minutes.”
Citizens United
- Citizens United at Wikipedia
- “Citizens United is known for supporting conservative causes even when they conflict with the Washington establishment of the Republican Party.”
- Here’s What You Won’t Hear About Citizens United at the Democratic National Convention This Week: Damon Root at Reason Magazine
- “It’s a 500-page book, and at the end it says, so vote for X, the government could ban that?” asked an incredulous Chief Justice John Roberts. Yes, the deputy solicitor general conceded, according to the government’s theory of the present case, the government could indeed ban that book.
- Thank Citizens United That You Can See ‘13 Hours’ This Weekend: Kyle Sammin at The Federalist
- “Thanks to our First Amendment, there is nothing the Obama administration can do about it. Government may not censor films about current events, politics, or any other subject even if they might affect an election. Indeed, they may not be censored even if they are designed to affect an election.”
Hillary Clinton
- Did Hillary Clinton Suggest A Drone Strike To Stop WikiLeaks Founder, Julian Assange?: Susan Wright at RedState
- “That Hillary Clinton discusses ‘non-legal strategies’ is not a shock, actually.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Loose Lips or Dirty Tricks?: Christopher Hitchens
- “A bit more than a decade ago, I had a public showdown with Blumenthal, who was then professionally engaged in defaming more than one truth-telling female witness against then-President Clinton. I thought it was wrong for the White House to be involved in such creepy tactics. But at the time, a huge number of liberal and pseudo-left commentators thought of Clinton as a victim rather than a practitioner of ‘sexual McCarthyism’…”
- No One Left to Lie To
- Clinton’s problems are, in Hitchens’s telling, because he was a conservative. A provincial conservative, the worst kind. He’s just not smart like Hitchens. Which is undoubtedly true, but being smart doesn’t make leftist policies any more sane.
- Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange
- “Immediately following the conclusion of the wild brainstorming session, one of Clinton’s top aides… penned an email to Clinton, [and] Huma Abebin… entitled ‘an SP memo on possible legal and nonlegal strategies re Wikileaks.’” (Memeorandum thread)
More Citizens United
- Public Citizen: Democracy is for Individuals, Not People
- Where two people join together, there is a giant corporation that needs to be squashed.
- Shed a tear for Democracy
- Public Citizen is outraged that the Supreme Court sides with free speech. Their version of democracy, with a capital D, is government control over every aspect of a candidate’s campaign (government funding) and the candidate’s supporters (subjecting supporter advertisements to FEC whims).
More Election 2016
- The Parable of the Primary
- If Republicans are looking to be more Obama than Obama, they couldn’t have found a better cronyist than Donald Trump.
- The Hillary Clinton e-mail ‘scandal’ that isn’t
- There’s no there here, and it doesn’t affect her campaign. Nothing in the law says felons can’t be President.
- Why is the media saying Sanders lost the debate?
- Bernie Sanders spoke an important and inconvenient truth about socialism when he came to Hillary Clinton’s defense at the debates.
- Clinton vows UFO investigation
- Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton assures America she will investigate the UFOs of Area 51 and stand up to the vast ice cream conspiracy.
- Is Iowa the end of the game, or the beginning?
- It depends on whether your job is to win, or to guess the winner.
- 17 more pages with the topic Election 2016, and other related pages
More Hillary Clinton
- Election lessons: be careful what you wish for
- Republicans should learn from the Democrats’ mistake of the primary season: be careful what you wish for, you might just get… half of it. They wanted Donald Trump as Hillary Clinton’s opponent.
- Clinton accuses Russia of infiltrating United States government
- Worried about falling poll numbers in working-class states, Clinton campaign identifies, addresses, a key concern of middle-class: the Soviet threat to the United States electoral process.
- Clinton supporters, can we make a deal?
- The left is refusing to look inward about why they lost the election, and instead continues to try to blame Trump supporters for just not being introspective enough to see how horrible their candidate is.
- The candidate we deserve
- Do we deserve these two candidates? Well, we voted for them, and we listened to the media that pushed them on us.
- Clinton calls for institutionalizing, curing, Trump supporters
- After Republican Donald Trump calls for a special prosecutor to investigate Clinton’s email server, Hillary Clinton calls for beating Trump supporters. Journalists immediately investigate voter who asked question about health care.
- 16 more pages with the topic Hillary Clinton, and other related pages