Hillary Clinton and husband accused of sexual assault
Between them, Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and her husband, William, stand accused of sexual harassment or assault against at least eight women, and have paid settlements of at least $850,000.

Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and husband, in U.S. Capitol after being accused at least eight times of sexual harassment and rape.
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been in a hurry to get to the top, rising from Arkansas First Lady to New York Senator in the span of a decade and now running for president at age 67.
But politics is not the only area where Ms. Clinton, a Democrat from whatever state is most likely to elect her, has an affinity for grabbing the brass ring. She and her husband, William, have also been accused of grabbing sexually—to the point of assault and even rape.
According to a search of the newspapers and court documents of the states the couple have traveled through in their rise to power, the Clintons have been accused of numerous counts of sexual misconduct, assault, and harassment over the years. A review of records dating back to 1997 shows that the couple had a combined eight accusations: Ms. Clinton with one and her husband with seven. On two separate occasions they appeared in court after a rape or sexual harassment accusation and sought to quash victim allegations on at least two other occasions.
Ms. Clinton’s rape troubles predate her days in politics. In 1978, when she attacked a girl in court who had been raped by a pedophile at 12, she laughed it off and said “you’d never catch me taking a polygraph”. A decade and a half later, during her husband’s presidency, she again attacked the credibility of women such as Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones.
Things got more complicated in 2000 when Ms. Clinton was alerted to the fact that her husband was a philandering dick with a politician attached. Through their lawyer the Clintons paid an $850,000 settlement to Paula Jones to settle the case before it went to court.
Mr. Clinton’s sexual harassment record is even messier, as are the dresses of his victims.
According to a school official, an accusation of rape while he was a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford was covered up before Mr. Clinton was expelled from the College.
During the Clintons’ 1992 presidential campaign, Mr. Clinton was accused, and later confessed to, an affair with long-time acquaintance Gennifer Flowers. He was also accused, in 1994, of sexually harassing Arkansas state employee Paula Jones in 1994. While internally Clinton was said to have learned his lesson, the lesson apparently did not stick, for only a few years later he commenced another affair with intern Monica Lewinsky. Like the earlier affairs, Mr. Clinton denied this until the evidence mounted.
Hillary Clinton joined in the denials, calling Jones “trailer trash” and Lewinsky “looney”, echoing Ms. Clinton’s earlier defense of rapist Thomas Alfred Taylor when she argued that the 12-year-old victim had “encouraged” the attack.
It is not clear how the numerous accusations have affected the Clintons’ sex life. There is only one known occasion of their having a child, 35 years ago in February of 1980.
The Clintons have spent more than $850,000 dealing with their so-called “bimbo eruptions” over the years, but after Ms. Clinton was elected to the Senate in 2002 they took a different approach when they began sending Mr. Clinton on at least 11 trips with Jeffrey Epstein, convicted pedophile and manager of the so-called “Lolita Express” underage prostitution ring.
Ms. Clinton’s campaign had no comment on the “Lolita Express” trips or whether Mr. Clinton had ever violated trafficking laws. And not all sexual assaults become police matters. Experts claim that 80% of all sexual assaults go unreported.
If Hillary Clinton is fortunate to make it as far as the White House, there will be many perks that come with the job. Chief among them, however, might be executive clemency.
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- “Flight logs reveal the many trips Bill Clinton and Alan Dershowitz took on pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private jet with anonymous women.”
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- “‘Bimbo Eruptions.’ That’s what Republication strategist Mary Matalin, during the 1992 presidential campaign, called allegations of extramarital affairs against candidate Bill Clinton. But, unfortunately for the president, Juanita Broaddrick is nobody’s bimbo.”
- Sexual misconduct allegations against Bill Clinton at Wikipedia
- “Bill Clinton served as the 42nd President of the United States from 1993 to 2001. Before that, he was Governor of the state of Arkansas, and afterwards he has continued life in the public eye. Clinton has only admitted extramarital relationships with Monica Lewinsky and Gennifer Flowers though charges were also made by Kathleen Willey.”
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