Hero stops local mass shooting
Nation has no need to grieve, goes on watching sports and talking about election trivialities. Social media finger nannies hardest hit.

President Obama did not get to call for Australian-style gun confiscation this weekend. Instead, he enjoyed a round of golf with other bored DC officials.
In local news only, a local veteran stopped a disgruntled loser from committing mass murder last week at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. The veteran was an Oregon concealed carry permit holder, and, thanks to the Oregon State Board of Education’s co-operation with state concealed carry law, used his firearm to end the mass shooting before it became a mass shooting.
Oregon higher education officials praised the veteran, and congratulated themselves on not taking advantage of a loophole in the 2011 Supreme Court case that forbade public universities from banning guns on campus.
The loophole involved schools’ ability to control access to their own buildings, and to require students and others coming on campus to sign gun-free agreements. A motion to use the loophole came before the Oregon State Board of Higher in March 2012, six months after the Supreme Court allowed concealed carry permit holders to carry on campus.
“The lawyers found a way around the Supreme Court ruling,” said State Board of Higher Education member Jim Francesconi. “Looking back on it today, I cannot imagine how many would have died and been injured if we had not defeated that motion.”
“I don’t think I could handle it if I had supported that misguided policy then, and more people died today,“ added George Pernsteiner, chancellor of the Oregon University System. “They may be crazy but these killers always seem smart enough to choose a gun-free zone.”
Social media finger nannies voiced their disappointment with the outcome.
"It makes me sad,” said Californian Geoff Madmyn, pointing his finger at gun nuts. “I would have been able to post misleading statistics from other countries that ignores their death rates before gun control, that ignore non-gun killings, and that deliberately omit deaths from civil unrest.”
Former Democratic candidate for the Pennsylvania House Marcie Rumbrook added that the outcome was suboptimal from the social justice perspective, and pointed her finger at anti-abortion gun-nuts.
“After a mass shooting,” she said, “I like to pretend that gun ownership isn’t regulated, and immediately ask for regulations comparable to some much-less regulated activity, such as abortion or owning a vehicle,” she said. “That close to a mass shooting, the pro-gun-nuts are too stunned by my bravery to respond. I mean, you can get an abortion from a friggin’ non-profit political advocacy group founded by a eugenicist and we scream every time someone tries to require the surgery be performed in an actual surgical center with doctors or that children be required to get parental permission for one, but other than that the analogy works.”
Other anti-gun activists noted one silver lining. Brady Campaign to Protect Gun Violence activists Andrew and Colin Goddard said that “the only consolation is that since the shooter was stopped before he killed four or more people, this incident will not be counted as a mass shooting, and therefore no mass shooting was stopped by a gun owner. Both the loser and the hero will be forgotten in a few days.”
Family and friends of the unknown students and teacher who did not die were unavailable for comment.
- Former Soldier Who Tried to Block Gunman Has a History of Service: Laura M. Holson at The New York Times
- “Chris Mintz has served in the Army, practiced mixed martial arts fighting and dedicated himself to raising an autistic child. Chances are all those experiences played a role in preparing him for the ordeal he faced on Thursday when he was shot numerous times while trying to save others during the murderous rampage at Umpqua Community College. His legs were broken as well, but he is expected to live, according to family members and friends.”
gun-free zones
- The Complications of Oregon’s Guns-On-Campus Laws: James King
- “Under state law, people in Oregon are technically allowed to carry concealed weapons on college campuses. But it’s not quite that simple.”
- Oregon Court of Appeals rejects university system’s ban on guns on campus: Bill Graves
- “University officials have not decided whether they will appeal the decision, seek new legislation or take other action, but they will be looking for a way to ban all guns from campus, even those carried by people with permits, Saunders said. One possible option would be to require students to sign a statement agreeing not to carry a gun before allowing them to enter classroom buildings, sports events or their dormitories, she said.”
- Oregon State Board of Higher Education resorts to policy to ban guns on campus: Bill Graves
- “The policy blunts the victory for gun rights advocates a day earlier in the state Senate, which narrowly rejected Senate Bill 1594, a measure to bar people from carrying guns on a school or college campus. The state board policy, however, would not prevent people with concealed weapon permits from walking across a state university campus with a gun. They just couldn’t enter any building or arena.”
mass murder
- Is it True Armed Civilians Have Never Stopped a Mass Shooting?: Mark Hemingway
- “There are a couple of major problems here with arguing that armed civilians don’t stop mass shootings. One is that when armed civilians are present, they often stop mass shootings before they can become mass shootings. One of the criteria Mother Jones used to define mass shootings is that ‘the shooter took the lives of at least four people.’”
- Oregon Campus Carry Gun Laws Scrutinized After Umpqua Community College Shooting: Julia Glum
- “In 2011, the Oregon Court of Appeals agreed with the foundation’s case. It let permit holders carry on public college grounds. The state higher education board then voted a year later to use a legal loophole to ban guns in university buildings, classrooms, residence halls and sports events, according to the Oregonian.”
- White House Immediately Politicizes Oregon Shooting, Calls For More Gun Control at The Federalist
- “As a condition of enrollment, Umpqua Community College requires students to adhere to a strict code of conduct. The school specifically lists possession of a firearm as a violation of the student code of conduct. The document specifically lists 40 specific behaviors which the school says would constitute a violation of its conduct rules. Possession of a firearm anywhere on campus, or at any event sponsored or supervised by the school, regardless of location, without the express written authorization of school administrators is listed at number 19.” (Memeorandum thread)
More gun-free zones
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