Democrats: black voters prefer totalitarian Presidents
They voted for Donald Trump over Hillary for the same reason they name their children after royalty, say DNC staffers and reporters.

Democratic nominee and former Democratic President palling around with notorious racist and unknown immigrant.
Supporters of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton charge that voters chose Donald Trump because they are racist. Many Demicrats have written, publicly and privately, that more minorities voted for Trump than they did for Mitt Romney in 2012 or John McCain in 2008 because “minority voters yearn for dictators.”
“All you have to do is look at their names,” wrote Democratic National Committee finance chief of staff Scott Comer. “LaQueenia and LaKingia? They want someone who will rule over them.”
A colleague agreed, replying, “Just kill me now.”
Democratic National Committee communications director Luis Miranda agreed with Comer.
“It isn’t just the blacks,” he wrote. “Hispanics are so commercialized nowadays, they’re just suckers for a powerful businessman. Hispanics are the most brand loyal consumers in the World: Known fact.”
He added that hispanics are “unforgiving” to white women who sell foreign policy to the highest bidder. “It’s sexism,” he said. “Hispanics wouldn’t hold a man to such a high standard.”
“I should know,” said Miranda. “Some of my best friends are Hispanic.”
He also called the Hispanic flirtation with Donald Trump “just another taco-bowl engagement.”
Dana Milbank of The Washington Post backed the DNC’s charges, writing that “yes, half of Trump supporters are racist”. He wrote that while it “may have been unwise” for Hillary to call minority voters deplorable racists, “she wasn’t wrong.”
- 10 Scandalous Facts Revealed By The DNC Leaks: Morris M.
- One email involves DNC national finance director Jordan Kaplan signing off with a “no homo” joke. Another by DNC communications director Luis Miranda revolves around getting the Latino vote out and is full of phrases like “Hispanics are the most brand loyal consumers in the World: Known fact” and “Once a brand loses this loyalty, Hispanics never re-engage: Unforgiving.”
- DNC staffers used anti-gay slurs, mocked the name of an African-American assistant: Kelly McLaughlin at Daily
- “Comer forwarded the email to an employee at Tipah Consulting with the comment: ‘Just kill me now.’ The consulting group employee responded: ‘LaQueenia is a NAME! I’m sorry, boo. I hope you got a raise with this title.’”
- Yes, half of Trump supporters are racist: Dana Milbank at The Washington Post
- “Hillary Clinton may have been unwise to say half of Donald Trump’s supporters are racists and other ‘deplorable.’ But she wasn’t wrong. If anything… she might have low-balled the number.” (Memeorandum thread)
- You are still crying wolf: Scott Alexander at Slate Star Codex
- “Trump made gains among blacks. He made gains among Latinos. He made gains among Asians. The only major racial group where he didn’t get a gain of greater than 5% was white people. I want to repeat that: the group where Trump’s message resonated least over what we would predict from a generic Republican was the white population.” (Memeorandum thread)
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