Some things you can spin. For the rest, there’s MediaCard
The Walkerville Weekly Reader has been brought to you by MediaCard: you can always lie and cheat and steal when no one’s looking. When they are looking, there’s MediaCard.
- A month’s worth of birth control pills: $9.00 at Target
- One hundred condoms: $19.95 on Amazon
- Taxi ride to a Planned Parenthood clinic: $11.75
- Diverting the media from your failed policies: priceless.
The best way to draw attention from a failed presidency is by distracting the media with sex. So don’t worry about your $5.00 gas, no Democratic budget for four years, and your complete failure as a president. Bring a thirty-year-old law student to Harry Reid to talk about her sex life. It costs nothing to create a fake contraceptive controversy when you don’t want people talking about your economic record.
When your presidency sucks so much you’re pimping rubbers for Georgetown law students, remember, as a Democrat, there are some distractions you can’t buy. Having a Cornell University Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality major talk about her sex life with Harry Reid? Priceless. For the softball follow-up questions, there’s MediaCard.
This week’s Walkerville Weekly Reader sponsored by MediaCard. Some spin, money can’t buy.
- Jake Tapper Finally Gives Hero of the Left A Chance To Speak Without Being Questioned: Ace at Ace of Spades HQ
- “Did you ask her about the $9 per month pills at Target, 2.8 miles from Georgetown U’s campus?”
- The Morning Flap: March 6, 2012: Flap at FullosseousFlap’s Blog
- “Fluke was rejected as a last-minute substitute witness at a Feb. 16 committee hearing because staffers for Chairman Issa were unable to discover Fluke’s claim to expertise relevant to the subject of the hearing. This law school journal article is the sort of thing that might have been discovered about Fluke’s background, had the Democrats who put Fluke forward as a witness done so with the usual 72-hour advance notice.”
- Obama in personal phone call to Sandra Fluke: Your parents should be proud: Tina Korbe at Hot Air
- “The president clearly thinks it’s advantageous to keep conservatives preoccupied with his contraception mandate because he sure ensures the topic stays in the spotlight. Today, he did that with a rare personal phone call to Sandra Fluke, the Georgetown law student who earlier this week testified in support of the mandate by saying that she and her peers are ‘going broke’ to buy birth control.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Sandra Fluke’s Appearance Is No Fluke: Just A Grunt at JammieWearingFool
- “In other words, folks, you are being played. She has been an activist all along and the Dems were just waiting for the appropriate time to play her.” (Memeorandum thread)
- Twitter Highlights of Jake Tapper going DEEP in the tank.: ArthurK at Ace of Spades HQ
- “If only there were some profession whose primary goal is to investigate and confirm claims made in a public policy debate.”